Date: 14/09/2010
Now : London victory, UK
Love History......
Why people deliver love each other face to face, Love is everything in life?
Why people think love is important news to holy angles in life??
Why Love prophet like boy/ girl supposed to be secret???
After my Girlfriend / Boy friend asked me these questions, I got out the Nepali translation of Tamang chautari. And turn to the some chapter i told her /him this is we are sharing love before followers some words, before kiss each other. ” iam going there to prepare a place for you. And if i go and prepare a place for you i will came back and take you to be with me that you also may be where iam?”
During the week my BF/ GF stayed at my place he/ she read and studied the book of about me and our Genesis Love but that time we are already share blood each other. One night we went to cafe and talk to about the love history before became kiss and sex but we can’t remember those days.
My BF / Gf remember now one time when we are kissing before we are trying to downtown but we are not success after then my GF/ BF spent 5 hour listening asking further question of the joined life then success bright of the life partner each other, still we are common glory on the bad...
Note: this question answer is true (real events) from one couple they have give me authorise.
Writer by
Mr. Ramesh lama (Critrical)